Friday, November 7, 2008

Archery Vacation Close At Hand

My joy and excitement is almost too much to handle. Next week I'll have a solid three days in the woods to relax, take everything in and hopefully harvest a deer.

My tried and true method during this time of year is a drag line. Ive used almost every commercial scent sold in retail stores. Ive also tried a few scents that were once private, smaller operations which have grown. At some point in time theyve all produced results. The cheapest nastiest stuff you can find will bring a deer in on the right day.

Recently Ive happened on to a company in PA. When it comes to dealing with items related to the outdoors. I prefer to give my money to family owned businesses, the little guy if you will. This company is called RealScent. So far I havent seen the product but archers in the forums give it rave reviews. Actually I just got off the phone with the customer service rep who gave me some good information. Having someone to talk to and make sure things are right are a big plus in my book. One thing I really liked was that i can buy massive amounts of doe in heat at a reasonable price. Its always refrigerated and should be here in time for next week. During our conversation I asked about freezing leftovers for the following season. I was instructed to not do that but rather just continue with refrigeration. If this stuff works out, I know who ill be buying from in the future.

Two years ago I took a nice 6pt using a drag line. This deer should have been an 8pt in my opinion but lacked brow tines, common in the area I killed it. I also have been seeing MASSIVE deer recently on my trail cams. A fellow hunter of the area commented on how many big bucks he has seen and I cant help but think that the great food sources combined with the mineral supplements ive been feeding the deer for two seasons have a big part of it. The deer go crazy, clearly theres a lack of what makes antlers grow in this area. Most likely a big cause is the very limited crop rotation. Its always soybeans, alfalfa or corn.

In short, I have about 48 hours in total left in the early archery season, Im pumped up and hope things pan out. This year Ive made a decision to seek out the warmest clothes I can find planning on possibly having to go into late archery season.

Ill try and give a report of my last four days, tomorrow, next Thurs., Fri. Sat.

Good luck, nows the time to make it happen. I want to end with saying, do not give up in the middle of the day. 5 out of the last 6 bucks ive shot were taken between the hours of 10 and 3pm.

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